Sunday 26 February 2012

Top 10 Beauty Tips

We've Created A List Of 10 Beauty Tips To Keep You Looking Absolutely Fabulous

1. Don't just apply sunscreen to your face, use it on your hands, décolletage & neck as well. These areas tend to age more quickly than other parts of the body so they need just as much protection & TLC as your face. This rule also applies even when the weather is cloudy! The UV rays still penetrate the cloud.

2. To help your lipstick last longer & have more staying power, before applying, gently buff your lips with a wet wash cloth/flannel. This will exfoliate your lips & remove any rough, dry skin to leave a soft, smooth surface & a perfect base. Apply a dab of foundation & powder then apply your 1st coat of lipstick. Blot with a tissue then reapply with a second coat to seal in the colour. Also, long wear lipsticks or lip stains will provide longer lasting colour & wear than standard lippies.

3. Treat your face to a regular facial at least once a week. This can easily be done at home without the expense of visiting a salon. (Although this is a wonderful treat now & again!) Always cleanse, tone & moisturise on a daily basis, use a gentle facial exfoliator once a week & for a real treat, a facial mask suitable for your skin type once or twice a month. You'll be amazed how soft & revitalised your skin will feel. Don't forget the rest of your body, a body scrub will leave your skin vibrant & tingling with freshness. Slather some moisturiser all over & you'll be glowing!

4. Try to keep your lipsticks & blushers from the same colour range. For example dark shades of browns & chocolates co-ordinate with a bronze shade of blusher. Lipsticks in the pink & purple palette work well with pink, rose & plum hues of blush & coral & amber lipsticks blend with blusher in the peach, apricot range. This really does create a more defined, balanced & co-ordinated look.

5. Keep your skin in tip top condition by keeping it hydrated. Always moisturise, including your neck & décolletage & at night time use a replenishing night cream to restore moisture lost during the day. Try to drink water throughout the day & keep a little spritzer bottle of water in your bag to spray over your skin as required to keep it hydrated, cool & energized.

6. If you're running low on your foundation & haven't got time to get a new one, try blending a little into your moisturising cream to "stretch" it temporarily. The coverage won't be as full as normal but it will "do the job" until you can replace it.

7. Don't forget your feet! Our feet are often neglected & there's nothing worse than seeing hard, yellowing skin & dull, untreated toe nails especially when the sun comes out & sandals come on. There's a whole host of products & accessories available to keep your feet in tip top condition. Salt & sugar scrubs, pumice stones, body brushes & exfoliators. Keep these items at the side of the bath & give your feet a little TLC every bath time. Remember to moisturise & slick on a little polish to keep them looking in tip top condition.

8. Chipped nail polish is a big "No No". Unpolished nails will look better than unsightly chipped ones so if it starts to chip..... remove it! If you're running short on time & need a quick fix, you can temporarily paint over the nails or file down the tips slightly to prevent it looking so obvious. If you're repainting/repairing one nail, when using nail polish remover, hold the pad between your fingers not with the tips so you do not disturb the polish on your other nails. Don't use your nails as screwdrivers or any other DIY tool!!! When removing dark shades of polish, if it leaves staining around the the skin, try soaking in a little lemon juice & warm water. This helps to naturally remove the staining.

9. Skin illuminators are a wonderful creation & help to brighten the complexion with a shimmering, radiant glow. Containing micro, light reflecting particles, they make the skin sparkle, draw attention away from imperfections & enhance your face with a natural radiance.  You'll look younger & more vibrant with a luminous, healthy glow.

10. When you've got a special event to go too & would like a little touch of colour, try applying some self tanning lotion. It will give you a wonderful, healthy golden glow & look far more attractive than milky white arms & legs! Remember to do your application the day before as fake tan acquires a "distinctive" odour as it develops. The following day you can shower, then gently pat your skin dry. For a step by step guide please view our post
 "How To Apply The Perfect Self Tan".

This is a list of just 10 tips. We would love to hear your beauty tips & tricks. Please feel free to leave a comment & share your thoughts & advice with others

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